Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The new 3rd grade teacher!

     I have known for a while but couldn't say anything till I found out "officially"last week that I am going to be the new 3rd grade teacher at Buena Vista Elementary School here in Alamogordo. I couldn't be more excited. I have been floating on cloud nine for about a month now. It has been really hard not to say anything to anybody but now I can. It is crazy how it has all worked out. It is amazing how things fall into place when you let the Lord do HIS will. For so long I have tried to do my will, but every since Taylor has gotten this job and we have moved 1200 miles away I have given everything up to Him. Again I have to say it is evident He wants us here!
      It is crazy how all of this has come about. When we first moved here I went around and passed my resumes out and introduced myself to the principals. I was subbing on Friday in April and Mrs. Korbakes, the principal, stopped me and asked me if I wanted to interview the following Tuesday. I was shocked. Of course I said yes. So Tuesday rolled around and I was extremely nervous. The interview went well and she told me she would let me know by the end of the following week. That Friday came and I received a call asking if I could come in for a second interview. I was like WHAT!! So the following week I went in for the 2nd interview. I was to present to the principal and 3 other teachers how I would instruct my reading block, math block, and what my discipline plan. You can say I was a TAD nervous (haha more like extremely nervous) but I did feel prepared. So that Friday rolled around and I gave it all I had. The next couple weeks I kept hearing good news though some little "flies" on the walls -ha. I wasn't about to get my hopes up although I new those "flies" were good sources. So finally on May 23rd almost a month after I had my interview I got a call from Human Resources asking me if I would except the job! I said YES! So I will be teaching 3rd grade in the fall and cannot wait to meet my little munchkins. I couldn't be more excited about working with the staff that is at Buena Vista. Everybody I have met is awesome! I have already seen the classroom I will be in and have started working on my theme. I am trying to create a nautical theme in my classroom... we will see how that goes! ha Tomorrow we have our first meeting on our new reading program. I am looking forward to it. Please keep me in your prayers as I start this journey. Thank so much.

1 comment:

  1. SarahJ, I never doubted you'd get the job. Those little kids are so lucky to have you!
